Jan 08, 2019 · OpenDNS and Google DNS are two of the most popular free and public DNS servers available worldwide. Using Google DNS or OpenDNS might provide you with a slightly faster resolution of names to IP addresses and possibly some level of protection from known malware, phishing, and infected domain names.

Some thoughts on Google DNS - Cisco Umbrella 2009-12-3 · Google launched a DNS service today, almost exactly four years after I started OpenDNS. This comes as no surprise as it was only a matter of time before one of the Internet giants realized the strategic importance of DNS. I’ve received a lot of questions from bloggers, journalists, friends and most importantly, our users. And […] Umbrella > - OpenDNS Email or Username . Password . Forgot password? | Single sign on

OpenDNS的一部分收入来自他们不能自动更正的错误域名而出现的页面上的广告。 OpenDNS claims it is not the same as Site Finder as OpenDNS is purely anopt-inservice and that the advertising revenue pays for the customized DNS service. OpenDNS也提供增强

2009-12-3 · Google launched a DNS service today, almost exactly four years after I started OpenDNS. This comes as no surprise as it was only a matter of time before one of the Internet giants realized the strategic importance of DNS. I’ve received a lot of questions from bloggers, journalists, friends and most importantly, our users. And […] Umbrella > - OpenDNS Email or Username . Password . Forgot password? | Single sign on

Apr 29, 2012 · Published in: google dns - opendns Public DNS services, like OpenDNS or Google DNS , may offer more reliable and faster lookups than the DNS server of your ISP but in some cases, you may get much better download speeds if you continue to stick to your ISP’s DNS server.

Google推出免费DNS服务-月光博客 2015-9-20 · 用opendns或google dns后,谷歌音乐下载的页面载入变得很慢,好在下载速度依然很快。 另外,还有一些国内的网址打开也变慢了。 2009/12/5 13:49:21 支持 ( 14 ) 反对 ( 21 ) 回复