Sudo not working? Solutions | Experts Exchange

So sudo cd runs without error, but does not change the current working directory of your current shell. (reference: this answer) Otherwise, running sudo cd will cause the following to happen. Your computer will look through your PATH, trying to find an executable named "cd". It will not find one. If while working with bash, you find that bash is hung (or deadlocked) and not responding to inputs, help us diagnose the issue by collecting and reporting a memory dump. Note that these steps will crash your system. Do not do this if you are not comfortable with that or save your work prior to doing this. To collect a memory dump #↳ sudo --group docker-user -s #↳ sudo -k #drop sudo credentials #↳ groups docker-user sudo … #↳ sudo --group docker /usr/bin/docker images [sudo] password for bob I am not expecting a password. The docker.sudo was meant to allow group docker-user, to run docker as group docker, with no password. What have I done wrong? For whatever reason you seem to have the targetpw option set. From man sudoers:. targetpw If set, sudo will prompt for the password of the user specified by the -u option (defaults to root) instead of the password of the invoking user when running a command or editing a file. gatoatigrado@coral:~> sudo -n /bin/set-slow-cpufreq sudo: sorry, a password is required to run sudo This kind of command works on an OpenSuSE machine, but not on Ubuntu 11.10. What am I doing wrong? Note: I cannot find any relevant system log messages, e.g. via tail -f /var/log/syslog. edit. Here is /etc/sudoers. Mar 03, 2012 · Precisely because "cd" is a shell builtin and not a binary, and sudo is not bash (nor even a shell). So sudo can't find any "cd" command. That's how it works, so you'll need to find some way around using "sudo cd", like by using complete paths in your commands or just doing "sudo bash". Hello, when i type sudo it show bellow message. Arifur-Rahmans-MacBook-Pro:~ arif$ sudo-bash: sudo: command not found. when i type ls. Arifur-Rahmans-MacBook-Pro:~ arif$ ls-bash: ls: command not found. Please help me i am not able to work anythings.

Sudo Not working on Solaris 10 - Unix

Hello, when i type sudo it show bellow message. Arifur-Rahmans-MacBook-Pro:~ arif$ sudo-bash: sudo: command not found. when i type ls. Arifur-Rahmans-MacBook-Pro:~ arif$ ls-bash: ls: command not found. Please help me i am not able to work anythings. Jan 11, 2015 · In Ubuntu Linux there is not root account configured by default. If users want root account password then they can manually set it up oo can use ‘sudo’. As we all know, Linux in many ways protects users’ computer being used for bad purposes by some nasty people around us. Using sudo is one of those good ways. The command is prompted twice. Though the same happens when calling just cmd, not sudo cmd. To fix this, run sudo winpty cmd instead. (but you will have to run sudo winpty cmd //c "echo 1" instead of sudo cmd /c "echo 1") Job support. win-sudo doesn't support jobs, so when running su or sudo bash you may get:

Jul 07, 2015 · Sudo Not working on Solaris 10 Hi All, im a bit new to Solaris 10 iv been working on Redhat and cant seem to get the sudo working on Solaris 10 Iv installed the below packages via pkgadd command: Code :

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