Access Forms All providers must request a CMSNet User ID to access secure CMS sites (e.g., submissions pages / reports) unless an otherwise secure connection has been established. Data Access Request

VPN Access Request Form Form 02-003 ITS Information Security Revision 03/18/2020 Per ITS Business Practice BP.03.004 – Business Practice for Telecommuting Computer Use, any employee who telecommutes and requires VPN access to CSU Channel Islands information Jun 12, 2004 · 6) For remote access, I agree to sign and be bound by the terms and conditions of Pacific’s Virtual Private Network Service. (To be attached to this agreement) 7) I understand the term of access granted will be limited to the dates indicated in the access request form and is not to exceed 180 days. Long Title: Microsoft Word - UVU-VPN-Access-Request-Form.doc Author: NIELSEDA Created Date: 6/5/2009 1:14:31 PM Approve or deny the request and offer possible work-arounds. Details: This process includes: Firewall change request To be completed by the employee request the change. You can add organization specific information such as a list of the organization's software systems, or access policy. Response to firewall change request

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Template: VPN access: Category: IT: Description: Manage and respond to requests for access to a VPN. Details: This process includes: VPN request form To be completed by the employee requesting access. You can add specific access conditions or policy/procedure information. Set approvals as desired. Forms: Form: IT-F-26 VPN request; Jira Service Desk

SANS has developed a set of information security policy templates. These are free to use and fully customizable to your company's IT security practices. Our list includes policy templates for acceptable use policy, data breach response policy, password protection policy and more.

Approve or deny the request and offer possible work-arounds. Details: This process includes: Firewall change request To be completed by the employee request the change. You can add organization specific information such as a list of the organization's software systems, or access policy. Response to firewall change request The connectivity provided by and ISP (Internet Service Provider) must be in place before submitting the request for the SSL VPN solution, and is the sole responsibility of the requsting Agency. The offering document, Remote Access Acceptable Use Memorandum of Understanding, and the SSL VPN request form, are available below: SSL VPN Offering VPN Access Request Form . The VPN system allows for remote access to resources typically only available from on campus. Access to the SUU VPN is a privilege that may be granted to specific employees and third parties of the University. VPN access is granted to a single person and may not be shared with others. UM's virtual private network (VPN) allows faculty, staff, students, and sponsored affiliates to securely access and connect to the University's private network from anywhere through public networks, such as a non-University Internet Service Provider (ISP) or unsecured public wireless network.