「OpenDNS 伺服器」讓你上網更快、更安全! – …

OpenDNS比电信DNS劫持还可恶·七彩空间 清醒吧,OpenDNS比电信DNS劫持还可恶 相信国内很多用户遇到过网络服务提供商ISP(比如电信、网通)的DNS域名劫持,典型症状就是你输入一个网址(或多个网址),回车后进入的却不是你输入的网站;而且你想浏览的网站运行正常,并且并非由木马、病毒 使用OpenDNS解决DNS域名劫持-月光博客 2007-10-18 · 对于这次遇到的大规模域名劫持到百度网站的情况,有一个很简单的办法进行解决,就是使用国外更为安全可靠的DNS服务器进行域名解析,可以避免被本地电信或网通进行域名劫持。 我推荐大家使用OpenDNS提供的DNS服务器,OpenDNS是一个提供免费DNS服务的网站,口号是更安全、更快速、 …

2020-7-10 · OpenDNS was founded in 2006 with the mission to provide a safer, faster, and better internet browsing experience for all users. Initially, OpenDNS provided a recursive DNS service for use at home, and in 2009 introduced a service for the enterprise market. In 2012, OpenDNS launched an enterprise security product, called Umbrella.

opendns_百度百科 OpenDNS的一部分收入来自他们不能自动更正的错误域名而出现的页面上的广告。 OpenDNS claims it is not the same as Site Finder as OpenDNS is purely anopt-inservice and that the advertising revenue pays for the customized DNS service. OpenDNS也提供增强 About OpenDNS - Network Security for Enterprise

OpenDNS - DD-WRT Wiki

2014-12-8 · 国内最早有114DNS,后有阿里DNS、百度DNS,国外则有谷歌DNS以及OpenDNS。这五个公共DNS,又都是大企业的产品,究竟选哪个好呢?下面下载吧小编就从功能、分布节点、解析速度等方面进行对比评测。IP地址114DNS114.114.114.114114 用DNSCrypt解决DNS污染造成的Dropbox无法连接 … 用DNSCrypt加密DNS请求,解决DNS污染造成的Dropbox无法连接问题。 Slyar 5个月前 (01-10)说:不需要吧 Slyar 5个月前 (01-09)说:没准。。。4-5年吧 Slyar 5个月前 (01-09)说:有红黄本就可以了 Slyar 5个月前 (01-09)说:没有 还在排队。 DNSCrypt - Official Project Home Page 2020-4-29 · The client side of DNSCrypt is a proxy to which regular DNS clients can connect to. Instead of using your ISP's DNS settings, you can just configure your network settings to use or whatever IP address and port you configured the DNSCrypt client to listen to. The client proxy translates regular DNS queries into authenticated DNS