Loopholes are searched for and used strategically in a variety of circumstances, including elections, politics, taxes, the criminal justice system, or in breaches of security.

The Weird Loophole That Leaves Even Well-Secured Facebook The Weird Loophole That Leaves Even Well-Secured Facebook Accounts Vulnerable Facebook's security team does its best to protect users. But not all of those users have the same ideas about how to Airline pilots, employees slip through security loophole "This system is a huge loophole in the security system and I think that people will be stunned to know that it exists," former Inspector General for the Department of Transportation Mary Schiavo said. security loopholes: Latest News, Videos and Photos of Jul 06, 2020

Jan 09, 2017 · Social Security loopholes close, simplifying choices. Because of a bipartisan budget deal that was enacted last year, the last of the loopholes that couples could use to "game" the Social Security

Define security loophole. security loophole synonyms, security loophole pronunciation, security loophole translation, English dictionary definition of security loophole. adj. 1. a. Susceptible to physical harm or damage: trees that are vulnerable to insects; b. security loophole definition: A vulnerability in software, typically in the operating system, that enables an attacker to compromise the system. See vulnerability. Jan 25, 2019 · The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 made what some would consider significant changes to a few key Social Security filing strategies. Specifically, the legislation removed some well-known loopholes that were used by many to increase spousal benefits. These loopholes involved the file-and-suspend and restricted filing strategies.

Educate them on how to configure home Wi-Fi router for added security. Also, hard to guess passwords is a must. If you’re working in a BYOD model, ask your employees to cover basic security features like installing antivirus software and multi-factor authentication. All desktops, laptops and mobile devices should be patched and updated.

Airline pilots, employees slip through security loophole